It’s never pleasant when you smell something foul coming from your air conditioner. Read on to learn why your AC system could smell bad and make your Pickens, SC, home stink.

Full Drain Pan

Stagnant water is a breeding ground for any number of disagreeable biological substances. Some of those biological substances smell terrible. If your air conditioner’s drain pan isn’t emptying the way it should, the air passing over it could pick up some of that smell and take it into your home. Scheduling AC maintenance is vital to keeping the drain pan clean.

Excessive Condensation

A dirty air filter is a common reason that condensation forms in ducts and other components of your air conditioner. Again, it’s standing water, which can breed nasty-smelling organisms. Our service technicians are experts at finding and fixing these problems that cause such foul smells coming from your AC system.

Leaking Gas

Of course, you won’t use your heating system during the hottest summer days. But remember that your gas line still connects to the furnace that you need during the colder months when the temperature drops into the 20s. A gas leak is a dangerous situation, so you need one of our expert service technicians to fix it for you immediately.

Dead Pests

Small animals, such as mice or other rodents, can sometimes crawl inside the outside portion of your HVAC system and perish, causing a horrible odor to come out of your vents. One of our service technicians can locate the source, remove it and restore normal-smelling air in your home.

For decades, we’ve proudly served our area with the distinction that earned us an A+ rating and full accreditation with the Better Business Bureau. Call Complete Heat and Air to schedule AC maintenance for your air conditioner and optimize its operation.

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