Proper sizing is crucial when you’re choosing a new air conditioner for your Easley, South Carolina, home. If your air conditioner isn’t the right size for your home, you won’t get the comfort or efficiency you deserve. There are several key reasons AC sizing is so important.

Improve Energy Efficiency

A correctly sized AC system will deliver the maximum efficiency. If your air conditioner is too large, it’ll cycle on and off more often than it should. One that’s too small will run continuously. The best way to run an air conditioner is at a low setting for several hours at a time. As a result, you’ll reduce your energy consumption and cut cooling costs.

Enhance Comfort

Your air conditioner can’t deliver the comfort level that you deserve if it’s not the right size. A system that’s too small will leave your whole home warmer and more humid than you’d like. If your air conditioner is too large, it’ll likely cool the central part of the house quickly but shut off before the farther reaches of the space get proper airflow.

When you have our service technicians evaluate your home prior to installation, you can make sure you’re investing in a cooling system that can deliver the comfort you’re after. As a result, you’ll never have to worry about spending your summers sweating at home.

Reduce Repair Needs

An incorrectly sized AC system suffers a lot of extra wear and tear. Small systems have frequent breakdowns because they’re running continuously. For an overly sized AC system, it’s the constant cycling that wears out parts faster than usual. Not only will you pay for more repairs if your AC system isn’t sized right, you’ll also find the air conditioner itself will fail before its time.

When you’re purchasing a new air conditioner, AC sizing is one of the first things you should consider. If you’re having regular problems with your current installation, look into whether improper sizing is the cause. Complete Heat and Air can help you size your system properly. Give us a call at 864-206-5354 to find the right air conditioner for your home.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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