Your air conditioner in Greenville, SC, has a filter in the return vent. This component has a significant impact on your air conditioner’s performance and your health. An air filter traps pollutants before they enter the AC system and cause harm both to the system and to you and your family.

Traps Pollutants

By pollutants, we mean everything from dirt and dust to pet hair and tobacco smoke. Filters now come in different materials and vary in their capacity to trap the finest particles. But the important thing is to remove these particles from circulation. If you own a standard pleated air filter, remember to replace it after 60 to 90 days. If you don’t, it’ll start to have an adverse effect on your air conditioner’s operation.

Assures Efficient AC Performance

The reason you don’t want these pollutants in your AC system is that they can coat certain components essential to the transfer of heat from indoors — in particular the evaporator coil. The result will be lukewarm air, and the AC system will run in a fruitless attempt to reach your set point. Again, keep in mind that a clogged filter will cause pollutants to pass through and raise this exact issue.

Helps You Stay Healthy

Indirectly, filters help you maintain good indoor air quality, provided that you replace them regularly. The higher the minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) rating of your filter, the more contaminants it can eliminate, such as viruses and bacteria. Even a standard filter will do enough to keep any asthma or allergy sufferers in your home happy.

Trust Our NATE-Certified Service Technicians

Greenville residents who want their filter replaced for them can request maintenance from Complete Heat and Air. Call us today for more information. From start to finish, you’ll be working with NATE-certified service technicians. They can service any make or model of air conditioner.

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