The quality of the air inside your business affects your employees in various ways. It determines their comfort, health and productivity. Here are ways poor IAQ makes workers in in Clemson, SC, less productive.

Dampens the Mood

Firstly, poor IAQ in the office has a negative impact on the employees’ mood and cognitive abilities. It causes fatigue, lack of concentration, depression and mood swings, which generally lowers their productivity. Employees become less motivated to meet deadlines and deliver their best performance.

You can improve air quality in the office by increasing ventilation and installing air cleaners and purifiers to eliminate particle pollutants. You can also hire qualified service technicians to provide air quality solutions for your business. As a result, you’ll help to boost the morale of your employees and increase their productivity.

Results in Poor Health

Investing in quality indoor air enhances the health of the staff. The indoor air contains dust, dirt and other air particles that have a negative impact on the health of employees. Signs of poor health include nose irritation, cold, dizziness, flu and headaches.

Excess moisture can also lead to the growth of biological contaminants. These pollutants can trigger allergies and worsen asthma attacks among the staff. Contacting qualified service technicians can help to eliminate these pollutants and improve the health and productivity of employees.

Increases Absenteeism

Finally, employees are more likely to ask for more sick days due to health issues. You may also have trouble retaining employees in the businesses since they may get discouraged from working in an environment with poor indoor air quality. There are many ways you can increase the quality of your indoor air, and a qualified service technician can help you choose the best solutions.

Complete Heat and Air offers complete repair, installation, maintenance and air quality solutions. Our service technicians are honest and hardworking and guarantee 100% satisfaction. Contact us today for all your commercial HVAC services. By doing so, you’ll help your business thrive.

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